Behind the Blog

And So It Begins

While thinking about how in the world to begin this blog, I went through all sorts of things I could write about... only to quickly dismiss them all.  Then I realized, what good is writing when your audience knows nothing about you?

And so, here is what you might need to know about me... in a nutshell anyway.

A Short Biography:
I am the youngest child—and only girl—of Baby Boomer parents.  I attribute their being Baby Boomers to my good up-bringing.  I was raised with morals and rules in a safe, loving Chicago-suburban home.  My two older brothers and myself were all able to go to private school and go on to good universities.  While in college I met a boy and after graduation decided to move back to my college town to be with him.  We're not married, yet (?!), but we have now been together 6 years.  I guess the move was worth it.

Okay, but What are You Like???:
I grew up in the 80's and 90's, I love Alternative Rock, basically all genres of film, I love crafts, cooking, trying to crochet, and anything in which I can exercise my creative side.

Other enjoyments include reading, boutique shops, antiques, coffee shops and libraries.  I have a fondness for early 20th century design/fashion/culture; my mom would call me a Francophile (I am her "petite pois" after all), and have more recently discovered that I love British culture.

This Blog:
I am starting this blog with my good friend in the hope that my dribblings-on will entertain and possibly even help someone out there in cyberspace.  My life goals right now are to move out of the state of Minnesota, buy a house, travel, and in general be happy in the time allotted to me.  I still haven't quite decided how to go about this blogosphere thing, but bear with me... it could be interesting!


But wait... there's more

I tend to be a pretty private person, and I don't like my picture taken, or put out on the Internet, so it is a little odd that I brought up the idea of doing a blog. While I've had no experience doing one, it helps that I am doing it with my good friend E. This blog may be a bit random, at least on my end, but I'll give it my best shot. I'll try to add pictures later, although I can't promise one will ever be of me. :o)

I hope you enjoy it!

About Me
I am the youngest of five children born to two loving parents in a small Minnesota city. The family dynamic is...complicated, but I too was raised with love, rules and morals. I grew up going to public school, but like each of my siblings, was able to go to a private college. Originally, I wanted to be a marine biologist, but I soon figured out I sucked at most aspects of science. So instead, I majored in Writing, and later turned a History minor into a major as well.

What Else?
I also want to get out of Minnesota, ASAP. I'm not sure how exactly, yet, since I don't really have the money to do so, but I'm trying. It will be good for both my sanity and my health. Anyone know anyone hiring in...say Arizona?

I'm a nerd and a geek. I like all sorts of music, TV and movies, but in the last two categories, tend to lean toward the science fiction genre. I love to read, travel and spend time with friends. I'm open-minded and try not to judge. I usually take awhile to open up to a person and have few true friends, but I can get along with pretty much anyone. I'm still not really sure what I want to do with my life, which I probably should at this point, but I'm working on it. One day I hope to be able to travel to many, many countries and maybe do some good for others along the way.

I hope that along with my good friend and co-author E, that this blog amuses, informs, and perhaps inspires ourselves as well as our readers. Let the journey begin!
— S